Thursday, June 28, 2012

Classes have begun

Classes here at UniAdelaide started on Monday. I am taking a course in Australian politics and a community engagement project. The politics class is extremely difficult to follow. All of the students have some sort of background in how Australia's system works...except me. Many of the students are law students. The four hour long class consists of me sitting in a lecture theater, then a tutorial, and listening in on political debates about people, policies, and issues that I have never heard of. Granted, I am learning a lot about Australia's political framework, and the class has progressively been easier to catch onto, but it is a rough 4 hours. On the other hand, the Community project is interesting! I have been placed with the Victims Support Service and will be working with victims of crimes, and victims' family members starting next week. This goes perfectly along with what I study back home and will give me a great sociology outlook on the cases that I will be dealing with back home.
Today, I am doing some city exploring and museum attending, and Saturday, we are taking a trip to Coorong National Park. All in all, this week has flown by, and I am soaking so many things in in very little time.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Settling In

WOW! After a 2 hour flight delay, having to sprint as fast as I possibly could to two different airport gates, and a 15 hour flight with a smelly neighbor, I have finally made it to Adelaide, Australia. The people here are the nicest I have ever encountered and so eager to help confused Americans. My home-stay family has been helping me adjust to their beach house :)
The weather is so much chillier than I expected. 60 degrees in Australia feels different than 60 degrees in Pennsylvania. I am trying to get used to temperature and weight conversions, Aussie accents, as well as phone numbers that start with 0.
So far I have explored the beach and the market, of which I have attached a picture. What an experience. There was everything from sqid ink noodles, to pig's heads being sold. Tomorrow I have orientation for The University of Adelaide, and will then be off to Cleland Wildlife Park for adventures.
Adjusting is a bit overwhelming, but so far, I am having a great time.

Friday, June 15, 2012


As I am getting ready to go abroad, the amount of stress in my life has sky-rocketed. I am currently attempting to pack for a month of my  life. This is such a daunting task, especially for a girl who owns 47 pairs of shoes. I am also trying to finalize paperwork, and make lists of things I still need to buy or do. I have had to go to the bank, the doctor's office, call the travel company, and so much more in the past few days.
All of these small tasks are adding up quickly, and are taking away from the pure excitement of going to Australia on MONDAY! I can only hope that this trip will be all that I anticipate plus so much more. Wish me luck on transporting half way around the world without a cell phone.
The next post will be made from Adelaide, Australia, mate!